Monday, February 18, 2013

Fox 2 News Headlines

Around 2:30 pm on February 14, 2013 in Inkster, MI, two pistol-toting robbers, a man and woman, burst into a tax preparation service, pointing their guns at the employees and customers inside and demanding cash. When the man walked into the back office, however, he was greeted with a security guard who had grabbed an AR-15 and was ready to use it. Before the security guard even fired a single shot, the robbers began fleeing. I guess there's something to be said about the size of the gun.

The security guard did manage to fire off two shots at the robbers, who were still pointing their guns back at him as they fled, but it does not appear that he hit them. The security guard was wounded in the upper leg, but the injuries are non-life threatening. No one was injured by the defensive gunfire. This fact is impressive considering how many people were inside the office at the time.



  1. The AR-15 has no use as a defensive weapon ... just ask that fool chief of police in Californication. Of course, I think he feels the same way about handguns and shotguns, too.
    I am glad the security guard managed to stop the robbery. BUT, he needs to spend a lot of time at the range so that next time he doesn't miss.
