Monday, June 24, 2013

June 22, 2013   
5:30 am  
Atlanta, GA  
Crime Prevented:
 Armed Robbery  
Description of Bad Guy(s):
 Sandy Ezzard, 36, an armed robber, who approached a group of people waiting in line outside a shoe store to buy the newest Nike sneaker as soon as it was released. He pulled out a gun and demanded their money and belongings. Ezzard has a plethora of previous arrests and convictions, to include robbery, terroristic threats, assault with a deadly weapon, etc.
Description of Good Guy(s):
 Marvin Lorenzo Jones, 31, a concealed handgun permit holder, who pulled out his own gun and shot the robber in self-defense 
Type of Gun Used:
 The robber was pronounced dead at the scene; given his lengthy rap sheet and inability to rehabilitate, I'd say the people came out ahead on this one and taxpayers saved a lot of time and money. No one else was injured by the gunfire. The concealed handgun permit holder has not been charged with any crime; all witness statements indicate that the shooting was clearly in self-defense 


  1. I love reading these stories and only wish that Australia would let people defend themselves in this way.
