Tuesday, January 8, 2013

On January 7, 2012 around 8:45 pm in Columbus, OH, Kelby Smith was exiting his vehicle with his newborn son when an unknown male approached him, pointed a gun at him, and demanded money. Smith shielded his son as he handed over some cash, but as the robber backed away, he continued to keep the gun pointed at him. Smith, fearing that the robber might shoot at him before he ran off and injure his son, pulled his legally carried concealed handgun and shot the robber, who immediately fled the scene.

Later on, however, a man matching the robber's description checked in to a local hospital for treatment from a gunshot wound. Police are investigating to link the man to the crime scene.

Smith and his son were not injured in the incident.

It's amazing how quickly victims can get the upper hand on criminals who aren't counting on someone to be armed. This contributes to the ever-growing number of incidents where even armed robbers do not fight back once they are matched with equal firepower. The criminal element is not used to fighting on even ground.


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