Wednesday, January 9, 2013

On September 17, 2012 in Meta, KY, two men entered a convenience store, one armed with gun drawn, and demanded cash. The owner of the store, Garry Thornsberry, tipped off by a clerk, looked at his security cameras and saw the two men with hoodies up near the cash register. Thornsberry had a rifle, a shotgun, and a pistol to choose from. He chose the pistol and went out into the store, pointing his pistol at the armed criminal. As the criminal started to raise his gun at Thornsberry, Thornsberry pulled the trigger, hitting the man in the shoulder and causing the two to flee the store.

The pistol that Thornsberry used had a laser to assist with aiming and Thornsberry practices frequently. When asked about the shot to the shoulder, he replied, "I did not shoot to kill but to protect my store, my employees, and to protect myself."


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