Friday, January 18, 2013

Challenge: comment below if you can think of one good decision that has ever been made as a knee-jerk or emotional reaction.

The latest boondoggle created by knee-jerk decision making is the recent law passed in New York, championed by Governor Cuomo, who rushed the bill through legislation via a "message of necessity." In layman's terms: knee jerk legislation. The language of the NY Safe Act includes no exemptions for police officers, on or off duty, or retired police officers to carry magazines that hold more than seven rounds, nor does it include exemptions for police to carry a weapon onto school property, even if they are responding to an active shooter.

Of course, the law is not likely to be enforced on police officers, but the mere notion that the police are in violation of the law as written and are being allowed to break it based upon a judgement call is a little disconcerting, is it not? A spokesman for Governor Cuomo, Matthew Wing, confirmed both the ability for police officers to break the law and his own (and presumably the governor's) ignorance of guns in general when he said that, "No police officer possessing [an] ammunition clip with more than seven bullets is in violation of the law or guilty of any crime, period." First, I think he meant "magazine," not "clip," a common mistake among people who have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to guns. Second, I think he meant to say that police officers carrying a magazine with more than seven rounds would not be charged or prosecuted, despite the fact that it is still against the law.


  1. Cuomo is a communist period, The take the rights of citizens Law abiding at that and prosecute them is absurd at best. The guy has NO concept or knows anything about guns. First off there is NO such thing as a 7 round Magazine. Another case of idiots in charge.
