At 12:07 PM on January 2, 2013 in Canton, OH, two armed men, Isaiah Bush, 17, and Digarrio McLendon, 19, entered Hever's Family Meats with their guns drawn and demanded cash from the register. One of the robbers fired several rounds, which was met with an employee securing a gun and firing back at both robbers. Both robbers fled immediately upon encountering resistance. They were each later dropped off at separate local hospitals, where police placed them under arrest and guard.
Police already had separate warrants for both robbers, Bush for aggravated burglary and McLendon for robbery.
No one in the store was injured and none of the employees will be charged with a crime either. This is the second time Hever's has been robbed this year. In April, a man who had robbed a store across the street ran into Hever's as well with a sawed-off shotgun, demanding cash and threatening the customers. As the robber ran out the back door, the owner and another employee, armed with pistols, ran after him, subduing him without using their guns, until police arrived.
I guess the lesson wasn't strong enough to the criminals in Canton in the first case. Maybe they'll think twice now.
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