Monday, January 7, 2013


It was December 23, 2012 when Gary Cherry was driving on Route 105 in Liberty County and came across a man stabbing a woman in the middle of the road. He stopped his vehicle to intervene and the man started advancing on Cherry, who drew his gun and ordered the stabber to drop his knife. He then held the man at gunpoint until police arrived.

This man saved that woman's life, ironically from a man with a knife, and he was able to do so without firing a single shot. Just the threat of the gun was enough to stop the crime in progress. That is the power of a concealed handgun. The woman and her young son have now become indebted concealed handgun laws.

In another instance, on Christmas day, a neighbor fired warning shots to stop Demetrius Jackson's robbery of two elderly women and then chased him until he was apprehended by police and charged with aggravated burglary. Two more people are indebted to concealed handgun carriers.


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