Saturday, January 5, 2013

This is good. We all know how Michael Moore feels about guns. He attempted to indict the NRA (not that I'm a huge NRA defender) and all the gun-toting, wild west, crazy cowboy-wannabes for Columbine in his short-sighted documentary, Bowling for Columbine.

He then brings us this little gem from Current TV, you know, that tv station that Al Gore sold to Al Jazeera as soon as he could to avoid Obama's tax hikes.

The synopsis, according to Moore: "They" (supposedly the right wing?) want you to live in fear, and it's racial fear that makes white people pick up guns and blow people away. Besides the blindingly obvious logical leap in trying to make the connection between "racial fear" and public shootings, the big irony here is that this fear that Moore insists is there is propped up by people like him. It is the main stream media and obese documentary makers that propagate fear, that push fear in the agenda and try to make you afraid of everything. Fear sells newspapers; you buy them to see what you need to avoid, what parts of your life you should sacrifice so you won't get hurt. Fear sells the ad space on the 24/7 news networks. Fear is what sells his shitty films. The hypocrisy of complaining about fear-mongering when that is exactly what he sells is mind-boggling. Most people don't own firearms because they're fearful; they own them because they understand the philosophical importance of self-reliance, of not depending upon someone else for something you should provide for yourself.

But wait, his hypocrisy only gets better. It was seven years ago this month that Moore's own personal bodyguard, Patrick Burke, was arrested in New York's JFK airport for possession of a firearm inside the city. So, what are you afraid of Michael? Why do you need a bodyguard and why does he need to be armed? You're famous and important, so you need armed protection, but all the rest of us don't need it?


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