Thursday, April 18, 2013


April 16, 2013   
Late PM 
Osage County, OK 
Crime Prevented:
   Assault, Murder
Description of Bad Guy(s):
  Unnamed man who tried multiple times to break into a home to likely assault or murder the two occupants
Description of Good Guy(s):
  Two unnamed residents who had protective orders against the person who was trying to break in and assault them
Type of Gun Used:
  The residents had to shoot the intruder multiple times before he stopped trying to assault them. No one else was injured by the gunfire. The residents have not been charged.

Ironic, right? The notion that a restraining order or protective order will make you safe is contingent upon one of two things: the ability of the subject of the restraining order to understand the consequences of his failure to obey it, or the threat that if it's violated, someone with a gun will show up quickly to enforce it. Most people assume that it's the police, but if their response time isn't fast enough, no one else is responsible for your safety besides you.

The irony? Expecting a violent person to obey a protective order is like expecting a criminal to obey gun laws.


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