Around 7:45 pm on January 30, 2013 in Jacksonville, FL, a man in a pickup truck ran over a pedestrian and continued down the road without stopping. The truck had driven across a median, knocking down a yield sign and leaving skid marks in the process as well. John Bradley Avery, 44, witnessed the event and followed the truck for a half mile before the driver realized that his two front tires were flat and he pulled over in a parking lot. At that point, Avery exited his vehicle and held the driver, 26 year old Tracy Andrew Isbell, at gunpoint until police arrived.
Police found marijuana in the vehicle and suspected Isbell of being intoxicated as well. According to Florida state law, a hit and run is a class three felony and the use of reasonable force to apprehend a suspected felon is authorized to all citizens, not just law enforcement officers, giving Avery the legal justification to hold the man at gunpoint.

The most ironic part of the story: Isbell had two bumper stickers on his truck that proved their point. The first, "Criminals prefer unarmed victims;" the second, The best homeland defense is an armed citizen." You really can't even make that kind of thing up.
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